When a hack producer sets plans in motion to remake a classic 60s B-horror film, the film's director literally rolls over in his grave and returns to stop his beloved movie's legacy from being tarnished.

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what is meltozoid?

Meltozoid! The Remake was my undergraduate thesis film at New York University. I wanted to emulate the fourth-wall breaking antics of William Castle’s films while also creating a campy, satirical criticism of industry remakes.

The film follows scummy producer Dick Linksman, who murders a budding writer and steals his screenplay for a remake of the classic 60s horror film, “Meltozoid!” directed by esteemed and long-dead filmmaker, William Lewis. When he informs the studio that he has greenlit their next project, the remake, William Lewis literally rolls over in his grave and turns Dick’s world upside down—just to stop him!

A “melting man” was the conceptual monster of the film and the idea grew from there. Beyond the scope of the original project, a treatment has been developed for a feature adaptation.

behind the scenes

Meltozoid was a rather claustrophobic set. The narrative takes place within the confines of a sleazy producer’s apartment, so our 15+ crew got cozy real quick.

Every day, one of our two leads, Louis Rodriguez, had to go through two hours of makeup application to transform into the re-animated filmmaker.

“Meltozoid” is played by a different actor every time he is on screen. On the bottom left, our producer David Scherker, poses with actor Clifton Lewis after the final scene.


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