Rawhead Trail
A young woman employs the help of a strange and idiosyncratic bounty hunter to find the beast that killed her brother.
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what is Rawhead Trail?
Rawhead Trail was an ambitious period western-horror for the Cobb International 100 Hour Film Race. I wanted to create a retro Grindhouse-styled homage to fairy tales with a Neo-Western twist.
The film follows an orphaned young woman, who enlists the help of an idiosyncratic, occultist bounty hunter. When the two embark on a journey to find the beast that slaughtered her brother, she begins to realize this hunter knows more about her than he’s letting on.
A “horror-focused True Grit” was the initial concept of the film and the idea rapidly evolved into something more akin to a 70s exploitation flick as production continued.
behind the scenes
Rawhead Trail was an extremely fast-paced production with only three main locations. The narrative takes place within the confines of a sleazy producer’s apartment, so our 15+ crew got cozy real quick.
Every day, one of our two leads, Louis Rodriguez, had to go through two hours of makeup application to transform into the re-animated filmmaker.
“Meltozoid” is played by a different actor every time he is on screen. On the bottom left, our producer David Scherker, poses with actor Clifton Lewis after the final scene.